The Albemarle Area United Way recognized a significant milestone this month as the Community Care Collaborative (CCC) celebrated its 4th year of assisting residents in our region. It was October 2019, pre-COVID, that the program began accepting applications for one-time crisis assistance. Since launching the program has helped over 1,600 households and invested over $500,000.
AAUW is thrilled to announce the hiring of Alexandra Lekki as the new Community Care Collaborative Manager. In her new role Alexandra will be the maestro of the wonderful concert conducted by our CCC volunteers, Advisory Committee and Community partners. She will shepherd the funds raised and administered by the impact program. Additionally, she will engage the community to better understand the needs of our region and help guide AAUW and our partners to best meet those needs.
“Alexandra has a unique combination of compassion and empathy coupled with a solid business acumen,” stated Bill Blake, Executive Director of Albemarle Area United Way. “These attributes will serve her and our community well as she leads the effort to love our neighbors the United Way.” She is delighted with the new opportunity to make a positive impact on the region that Albemarle Area United Way (AAUW) serves.
In her spare time, Alexandra enjoys spending time with her family, the outdoors, adventures, weightlifting and reading.