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AAUW has a record breaking year

By Jon Hawley Staff Writer Friday, August 16, 2019

The Albemarle Area United Way raised more than $450,000 in 2019 — knocking its fundraising goal out of the park, AAUW Executive Director Bill Blake announced during the nonprofit’s annual Campaign Kickoff and Awards Luncheon on Thursday. The total blew past the AAUW’s goal of $350,000 for the year and translates to about $236,000 going out to its partner organizations, Blake told an audience at the Kermit E. White Center at Elizabeth City State University. In an interview just before the event, Blake also said 2019’s total was the highest since 2002, the oldest year he’s found on record. “We just had such a blessing of things; the moons aligned this past year,” Blake said, citing factors such as big one-time gifts, a big uptick in workplace donations, and a jump in large-donor “Keel Club” members. The number of donors who gave $1,000 or more jumped from 38 to 63, donating almost $135,000 of the total, he reported.


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